argon  Thermodynamic & Transport Properties (Based on Venus model)
CAS number
Short Name
Full Name
Chemical Formula
Synonym R-740 ,40Ar;Argon, isotope of mass 40; Argon-40; Khladon R 740; R 740
Molecular Weight
Triple Point Temperature Triple 
    Point Temperature
Normal Boiling Point Normal boiling point
Critical Temperature Critical Temperature
Critical Pressure>Critical Pressuresure
Critical Density
Acentric FactorAcentric Factor
Dipole MomentDipole Moment
argon : Introduction
Argon is a chemical element with symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It is in group 18 of the periodic table and is a noble gas. Argon is the third most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere, at 0.93% (9,300 ppm), making it approximately 23.7 times as abundant as the next most common atmospheric gas, carbon dioxide (390 ppm), and more than 500 times as abundant as the next most common noble gas, neon (18 ppm). Nearly all of this argon is radiogenic argon-40 derived from the decay of potassium-40 in the Earth's crust. In the universe, argon-36 is by far the most common argon isotope, being the preferred argon isotope produced by stellar nucleosynthesis in supernovas. In addition, argon is the most prevalent of the noble gases in Earth's crust, with the element composing 0.00015% of this crust
Acceptable Range : < T <
< P <
Specific Enthalpy=
Specific Entropy=
Internal Energy=
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argon:Thermodynamic & Transport Properties Calculated Result
Molecular Weight=
Celsius,Fahrenheit,Reaumur & Thermodynamic Temperature ConversionTemperature=
absolute pressure & gauge pressurePressure=
Specific VolumeSpecific Volume=
     EnthalpySpecific Enthalpy=
Specific EntropySpecific Entropy=
Internal EnergyInternal Energy=

Saturated Vapor Pressure, Boiling Point(dew point), Latent Heat of Vaporization are saturated properties, just enter One parameter to calculate them!
Saturated Vapor Pressure=
Boiling Point (Dew Point)=
latent heat of vaporizationVaporization Latent Heat=
Constant Pressure Specific HeatSpecific Heat(Cp)=
Specific Heat(Cv)=
Adiabatic Exponent Cp/Cv=
QualityVapor Quality=
 Compressibility Factor Compressibility Factor=
Helmholtz Energy Helmholtz Energy=
 Gibbs Free Energy Gibbs Free Energy=
Fugacity Coefficient Fugacity Coefficient=
Joule-Thomson Coefficient Joule-Thomson Coefficient =
Speed of SoundSpeed of Sound=
Virial Coefficient2nd Virial Coefficient =
3rd Virial Coefficient=
Thermal Conductivity Thermal Conductivity=
 thermal diffusivity Thermal Diffusivity=
Kinematic ViscosityKinematic Viscosity =
Dynamic ViscosityDynamic Viscosity =
Surface TensionSurface Tension =
Prandtl Number Prandtl Number=
Relative Dielectric ConstantRelative Dielectric Constant =

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